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acousmatic work (2014)



Majorstuen Kirke 19:00

Martyna Kosecka – sound diffusion

The sound piece was made with the sound of Gyrid´s voice reading her own text Losing Control, recordings of her voice from the Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum in Oslo, and recordings of the noise and other sounds from her father's old SONY M-450 Microcassette Recorder. The piece was a part of her master's degree project at NTNU in 2010 and has also been released on CD and online platforms as a part of the project Beyond Boundaries from 2014.

Meet The Artists

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Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad is a composer and performer from the island of Stord in Sunnhordland. She has a background in improvisation and electroacoustic music and work with vocals / song, live electronics, field recordings and text writing for use in compositions and installations. She has worked as a composer and musician in theater and dance performances where live electronics and electroacoustic sound images have been a central part of the expression. She is often involved in interdisciplinary projects. In November 2019, she started as an Artistic Research Fellow at NTNU, connected to the department of music technology.

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Martyna Kosecka is a Polish composer, conductor, performer, and researcher in new music, based in Norway since 2019. She studied composition and orchestral conducting in the Music Academies in Kraków and Katowice, in Poland. Through her music, she experiments with alternative tunings, microtonality, and electroacoustic processing of sounds. Kosecka, with engagement and curiosity, plays with the perception of time and focuses on extracting timbral qualities of each individual sound through a microperspective approach.

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